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Are You a Candidate for Mature Adult Dentistry?

Advancing age places many mature adults at risk for a variety of mouth health problems, like:
- Darkened teeth: These are caused by changes in dentin (bone-like tissue underlying the enamel) as well as by a lifetime of eating and drinking stain-causing beverages and foods. Darkened teeth are also caused by outer enamel layer thinning that allows the yellower, darker dentin to show through. Darkened teeth (or a single tooth) might be an indication of a more severe issue and is recommended to be checked out by a dentist.
- Denture-induced stomatitis: Poor hygiene, poor-fitting dentures, or an accumulation of Candida albicans produce this problem, which is an inflammation of the gum tissue that underlies a denture.
- Dry mouth: This is caused by a reduction in saliva flow, which may be an outcome of cancer treatments using radiation to the neck and head area, in addition to specific diseases, like Sjögren’s syndrome, as well as medicine side effects. A lot of medications may produce dry mouth.
- A diminished sense of taste: Advancing age impairs your sense of taste, but dentures, medications, and diseases also can contribute to that sensory loss.
- Gum disease: Gum disease is caused by plaque and then can be made worse by using tobacco products, food that is left in the teeth, poor-fitting dentures and dental bridges, poor diets, and specific diseases, like diabetes, cancer, and anemia. This is frequently an issue for seniors.
- Root decay: It’s caused by exposure of the root to acid that causes decay. Tooth roots are exposed as the tissue recedes from your tooth. Roots don’t have any enamel that can protect them and are more prone to decay than the crown portion of the tooth.
- Tooth loss: Gum disease is the number one cause of tooth loss.
- Uneven jawbone: It’s caused by not replacing missing teeth. It enables the remainder of the teeth to move and shift into open areas.
- Thrush: Drugs or diseases affecting the immune system may cause an overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans inside the mouth.
Are You a Candidate for Mature Adult Dentistry?
If you suffer from any of the above, you might be a good candidate for mature adult dentistry.
- Do you need extensive treatment because of years of avoiding going to the dentist?
- Do you prefer to go to one office for comprehensive care, instead of seeing unfamiliar professionals and traveling to various locations?
- Do you want to ensure that you’re getting the proper treatment, the highest quality, and the most advanced care available?
If you answered yes to the above questions, you are definitely a candidate for mature adult dentistry.
Age in and of itself isn’t a sole or dominant factor in determining mouth health. But specific medical conditions, like arthritis in the fingers and hands, might make flossing or brushing teeth challenging to perform. In addition, drugs may affect your mouth health and might make a change in your treatment necessary.
Please feel free to schedule a consultation with Sanford Dental right away at 407-794-4162 or you can fill out our easy inquiry form online here. Our Sanford dentist, Dr. George Mitrogogos, specializes in dentistry for mature adults.
Oral Hygiene Tips for Mature Adults
Regular flossing and brushing of natural teeth are critical to keeping them in excellent oral health. Plaque may quickly build up on the teeth of mature adults, particularly if oral hygiene is left untreated, and lead to gum disease and tooth decay.
In order to maintain excellent oral health, it is vital for all people — regardless of their age — to:
- Go to the dentist on a consistent schedule for an oral exam and cleaning
- Rinse using an antiseptic mouthwash one or two times a day
- Floss at least one time per day
- Brush at least two times per day using a fluoride-containing toothpaste
According to the American Dental Association, antibacterial mouth rinse may decrease bacteria causing gum disease and plaque.
What Mature Adults May Expect During Their Examination
If you are a mature adult going for a check-up, Dr. Mitrogogos will perform a complete dental exam and history. Questions that are asked during the dental history will include:
- If you’ve seen any swelling, bumps, or lumps inside your mouth
- If you experience any bleeding, sores, discomfort, or pain in your mouth
- If you’ve had any difficulty swallowing, chewing, or tasting
- If you’ve experienced any sensitive or loose teeth
- If you’ve noticed any mouth changes recently
- The date of your last dental appointment and the reason for it
During the oral examination, Dr. Mitrogogos is going to examine the following:
- Teeth (for cracks, condition of fillings, and decay)
- Tongue and other inner surfaces — hard and soft palate, floor of the mouth, gum tissue (for indications of oral cancer or infection)
- Interior cheeks (for traumatic injuries, ulcers, infections)
- Salivary glands and lymph nodes (for any indication of lumps or swelling)
- Jaw (for indications of popping and clicking in your temporomandibular joint)
- Bite (for issues in how your teeth come together when closing and opening your mouth)
- Neck and face (for sores, moles, skin discoloration)
If you’re wearing dentures or other types of appliances, the dentist is going to ask some questions concerning when you wear the dentures and when you remove them (if they are removable). The dentist will also examine your mouth for any irritation or issues in the areas in your mouth that the appliance touches, and assess your denture or appliance itself (browsing for any areas that are broken or worn).
What Concerns Can Sanford Dental Address With Mature Adult Dentistry?
- Smile makeovers
- Conscious sedation for the ones who experience high anxiety
- Tooth removal
- Root canal therapy
- Correction of loose or ill-fitting dentures
- Partial or full dentures
- Gum disease and bone loss
- Dental Implants
Please feel free to arrange a consultation with Sanford Dental Excellence in Sanford, Florida right away at 407-794-4162 or contact us online. Our specialized dentist and dental team are here to answer any questions and address any concerns you might have.
- Adult Dentistry3
- Braces2
- Cosmetic Dentistry4
- Crowns1
- Dental Fillings4
- Dental Hygiene7
- Dental Implants38
- Dental Treatment33
- Dentures4
- Emergency5
- Endodontic Therapy1
- Fountain of Youth Dentures7
- Fountain of Youth®0
- Gum Treatment3
- Invisalign7
- Malocclusions1
- Mouth-Guard3
- Non-surgical Treatment2
- Orthodontic Treatment3
- Periodontal Disease3
- Porcelain Veneers1
- Root Canal Treatment2
- Sanford Dental Excellence8
- Sedation Dentistry8
- Six Month Smiles2
- Sleep1
- Sleep Apnea2
- Smiles® Treatment11
- Teeth Whitening5
- Tooth Extraction4
- Veneers1
- Wisdom Teeth1